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Journal of psychiatric research

Journal Volume: 154
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2022
Articles in SafetyLit: 22

A systematic review on the links between emotion regulation difficulties and obsessive-compulsive disorder

Association between depression and subjective cognitive complaints in 47 low- and middle-income countries

Association of social network properties with resilience and depression among community-based Korean population

Clinical, environmental, and molecular factors associated to the occurrence and persistence of posttraumatic stress disorder after an earthquake

Crisis service utilization following completion of a suicide safety plan for Veterans with and without affective and nonaffective psychosis

Decreased functional coupling within default mode network in major depressive disorder with childhood trauma

Drug use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic

Encouraging the use of the Veterans Crisis Line among high-risk Veterans: a randomized trial of a Crisis Line Facilitation intervention

Ethical and methodological challenges slowing progress in primary care-based suicide prevention: illustrations from a randomized controlled trial and guidance for future research

Examining the associations between PTSD symptom clusters and alcohol-related problems in a sample of low-SES treatment-seeking Black/African American adults

Midlife suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis of socioeconomic, psychiatric and physical health risk factors

Moral injury among U.S. combat veterans with and without PTSD and depression

Overlapping and segregated changes of functional hubs in melancholic depression and non-melancholic depression

Presentations to the emergency department with self-harm or suicidal behaviours: a role for digital mental health services?

Prevalence and correlates of dissociative symptoms among people with depression

Retinal markers of therapeutic responses in major depressive disorder: effects of antidepressants on retinal function

Severity features of suicide attempters with epilepsy

Suicidal behaviors are associated with loneliness and decrease during inpatient CBASP treatment for persistent depressive disorder

Taboo obsessions and their association with suicidality in obsessive-compulsive disorder

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in China: difference by HIV status

Toward an integrative model of transdiagnostic risk factors and suicide: a network comparison of psychiatric outpatients

What distinguishes high and low-lethality suicide attempts in older adults? A systematic review and meta-analysis